Saturday, June 19, 2021

Electric Fan Research



Timing Curves


First run

Poured some premium gas into the Alfa, updated the 123 Ignition timing curve (below) and gave it a 15 mile run. There's definitely some cobwebs in the system, but the car is running better!

TIP: For 123 Ignition distributor owners: if the 'Centrifugal Curve' does not start at 0, the car may not start.

The Alfaholics 'Fast Road' timing curve:

Friday, June 18, 2021


It's been much too long since the last update. Work and home life have been dominating my time. The Alfa has not run since last fall!

This afternoon, I popped the hood and gave the car a throughout inspection. The battery definitely needed charging. Everything else looked good.

After a six hour affair with the trickle charger, the Alfa roared to life. What a great sounding car; but my neighbors may disagree. 

While revving the car, it didn't feel "right." The engine was not pulling above 3500 RPM. My guess was the timing was off.  Using the 123 Tune App, I checked the timing curve on the electronic ignition and found the problem. It was using the default "aircooled vw" map.

I searched the Internet for recommended timing profiles. This discussion on the Alfa Boards was very helpful. 

The car is running great - I'm looking forward to driving it tomorrow!